Friday, November 9, 2007

W.O.D 11/9

Willpower-determination and self-discipline: a combination of determination and self-discipline that enables somebody to do something despite the difficulties involved

discipline, drive, firmness, fixity, force, grit, resolution, resolve, self-control, self-discipline, self-government, self-restraint, single-mindedness, strength, will

cowardice, powerlessness, spinelessness, timidity, weakness

This school year, I believe that I have the willpower to finish the school year.

Journal entry:
This year, I find that I have the most will power over finishing out this school year to the best of my ability. I feel that I have always had the help and push from other people and this year I finally feel like I can do this for myself. I think another good exapmle of what I have willpower is for being a good mom. I know it will be tough but I will be able to do it. I am going to provide the best life I can for Landyn no matter what! The thing I have the least willpower for is without a doubt, cleaning. I really hate having to do it! I always promise myself I wont do it, but I always feel like i end up doing it more than I should! I keep myself driven by remembering that EVERYONE has to do it sometime in their lives and that when Landyn comes I need to make sure its spotless, so i have to really start to get in the pattern. If Matt and I are laxed about it now, its not big deal but once baby Landyn comes we have to make sure everything is in tip top shape!

1 comment:

Mrs. Pellegrino said...

Courtney - what a great response! You will find the desire to keep Landyn, his clothes, and his stuff clean and tidy but don't fret picking up toys, etc. Time with your little family will be much more important than a tidy house. Although, I am not a clean freak I did find it hard to live with baby and toddler clutter but those phases pass by quickly and you will have time for keeping a perfect house for years to come. Remind me this week to get you started with the preschool environment. Things might seem better if we get that in place for you. Mrs. P